Social Media’s History Role and our Human Rights

Social Media’s History, Role and our Human Rights

Science, media and technology encourage the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world. U.S. leadership in new technologies—from artificial intelligence to biotechnology to computing—is critical to both our future economic competitiveness and our national security and thus our human rights. The speed at which technology is developing has never been faster,…Read More

India’s Strategic Balancing in the Indo-Pacific

India’s Strategic Balancing in the Indo-Pacific: Impacts on Regional and Global Geopolitics

India holds immense significance in the Indo-Pacific region due to various compelling reasons. Firstly, India’s geographical location places it at the crossroad of the Indo-Pacific, connecting both the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. With a coastline of over 7,500 kilometers and numerous strategically important ports, India possesses a natural advantage in maritime affairs. This has…Read More

Environmental Implications of China’s Belt & Road Initiative

Environmental Implications of BRI and the Importance of Green Technology

Introduction South Asia, the Southern subregion of the Asian continent, is a triangular landmass with the Indian Ocean, Himalayas, and Afghanistan as its principal boundaries. India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Afghanistan make up the region. Geographically, it is blessed with many of the world’s great rivers, the tallest mountains, vast fertile plains,…Read More

Security Analysis of Ukraine Crisis

An Ontological Security Analysis of Ukraine Crisis

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant event that has had far-reaching consequences – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This aggressive act of territorial expansion and power assertion sent shockwaves across the international community, raising concerns about principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, beyond the geopolitical implications, it is essential to delve deeper…Read More

Saudi-Israeli Relations and the Palestinian Challenge

Saudi-Israeli Relations and the Palestinian Challenge

The Middle East, a region historically synonymous with conflict and tension, is now witnessing a remarkable and unexpected shift in its geopolitical landscape. A groundbreaking alliance is emerging, as the conservative Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signals its willingness to forge an unprecedented peace deal with Israel—a country that, until recently, was commonly referred to in…Read More

Impact of Instability in Niger

Analyzing the Broader Impact of Instability in Niger

The huge Sahelian region of Africa, which straddles the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, has long struggled with a myriad of problems. These issues include environmental catastrophes, economic suffering, security risks, and political instability. One of the nations in this region, Niger, has frequently found itself at the center of these complex problems. The…Read More

China's AI Military Revolution and its Security Implications

China’s AI Military Revolution and its Security Implications

China’s rapid rise as a dominant global force in artificial intelligence (AI) has not only reshaped its economic landscape but has also heralded a transformative era in military capabilities and strategies. Moreover, China has executed a multifaceted strategy to consolidate its leadership in the AI domain, involving substantial investments from both the public and private…Read More

Human Trafficking in Africa

Unraveling the Menace of Human Trafficking in Africa

Human trafficking is a grave and pervasive global issue that continues to afflict vulnerable populations worldwide. Within Africa’s heartland, this menace remains a sinister reality, jeopardizing the fundamental rights and dignity of countless individuals. This article delves into the complex web of human trafficking in the heart of Africa, aiming to shed light on the…Read More

IMF's Transformative Endeavor in Argentina

A Critical Analysis of the IMF’s Transformative Endeavor in Argentina

International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a global organization that fosters monetary coordination on an international level, enables commerce between countries, encourages growth in the economy, and upholds financial stability. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference, which took place in New Hampshire, USA. IMF’s main goals are to advance…Read More